
Serial # Recent Selected Paper Year Journal / Conference Authors Impact Factor
01 Spatially Aware Fusion in 3D Convolutional Autoencoders for Video Anomaly Detection 2024 IEEE Access Niaz, A., Amin SU., Soomro, S., Choi, K.N. 3.9
02 Increment-CAM: Incrementally-weighted Class Activation Maps for Better Visual Explanations 2024 IEEE Access Niaz, A., Soomro, S., Zia, H., Choi, K.N. 3.9
03 Medical Image Segmentation using Combined Level Set and Saliency Analysis 2024 IEEE Access Joshi, A., Khan, MS., Choi, K.N. 3.9
04 One-Stage Detection Model based on Swin Transformer 2024 IEEE Access Kim, T.Y., Niaz, A., Choi, J.S., Choi, K.N. 3.9
05 Image Segmentation Using Bias Correction Active Contours 2024 IEEE Access Zia, H., Soomro, S., Choi, K.N. 3.9
06 Grad++ScoreCAM: Enhancing Visual Explanations of Deep Convolutional Networks using Incremented Gradient and Score-Weighted Methods. 2024 IEEE Access Soomro, S., Niaz, A., Choi, K.N. 3.9
07 Selective image segmentation driven by region, edge and saliency functions 2023 PLoS ONE Soomro, S., Niaz, A., Soomro, T.A., KIM, J., Manzoor, A., Choi, K.N. 3.7
08 Edge-Based Local and Global Energy Active Contour Model Driven by Signed Pressure Force for Image Segmentation 2023 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Niaz, A., Iqbal, E., Memon, A.A., Munir, A., Kim, J., Choi, K.N. 5.6
09 SalCor: A Hierarchical Saliency-Driven Segmentation Model With Local Correntropy for Medical Images 2023 IEEE Access Joshi, A., Khan, M.S., Kim, J., Choi, K.N. 3.9
10 Self-initialized active contours for microscopic cell image segmentation 2022 Scientific Reports Niaz, A., Iqbal, E., Akram, F., Kim, J., Choi, K.N. 4.6
11 Least Square Generative Adversarial Network
Applying PCA to Latent Space
2022 Korea Multi Media Society Song, M.K., Choi, K.N. -
12 One-stage Detection Model based on Swin Transformer
for Object Detection
2022 Korea Multi Media Society Kim, T.Y., Choi, K.N. -
13 Improving Data Quality and Diversity
using PCA and PGGAN
2022 Korea Multi Media Society Han, S.H., Choi, K.N. -
14 Real-time Mask Detection Drone System
using YOLOv4-tiny Model
2022 Korea Multi Media Society Song, M.K., Choi, K.N. -
15 Image Generation Network Model based on Principal Component Analysis 2022 Advanced Robotics, Automation, and Control Engineering Cha, G.S., Asim, U., Song, M.K., Niaz, A., & Choi, K.N. -
16 Improvement of Detection Rate for Small Objects Using Pre-processing Network 2021 International Conference on Control and Computer Vision Lee, D.H, Cha, K.S, Iqbal, E. & Choi, K.N. -
17 Active Contour Model with Adaptive weighted function for Robust Image Segmentation under Biased Conditions 2021 Expert Systems with Applications A. Joshi, M. S. Khan, Niaz, A., & Choi, K.N. 5.452
18 Multiple-Clothing Detection and Fashion Landmark Estimation using a Single-Stage Detector 2021 IEEE Access KIM, H.J., Lee, D.H., Niaz, A., KIM, C.Y., Memon, A.A., & Choi, K.N. 3.745
19 Hybrid SPF and KD Operator-Based Active Contour Model for Image Segmentation 2020 IEEE Access Memon, A.A., Niaz, A.,Soomro, S.,Iqbal, E., Munir, A., & Choi, K.N. 3.745
20 SRIS: Saliency-Based Region Detection and Image Segmentation of COVID-19 Infected Cases 2020 IEEE Access A. Joshi, M. S. Khan, S. Soomro, A. Niaz, B. S. Han and K. N. Choi 3.745
21 Saliency-Driven Active Contour Model for Image Segmentation 2020 IEEE Access E. Iqbal, A. Niaz, A. A. Memon, U. Asim and K. N. Choi 3.745
22 Hybrid Active Contour Based on Local and Global Statistics Parameterized by Weight Coefficients for Inhomogeneous Image Segmentation 2020 IEEE Access Niaz, A., Rana, K., Joshi, A., Kim, D.D., Munir, A., Song, H.C., & Choi, K.N. 3.745
23 Segmentation of Intensity-Corrupted Medical Images Using Adaptive Weight-Based Hybrid Active Contours 2020 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine Memon, A.,Soomro, Shahid,M.T, Munir, A., Niaz, A., & Choi, K.N. 1.770
24 Inhomogeneous Image Segmentation using Hybrid Active Contours Model with Application to Breast Tumor Detection 2020 IEEE Access Niaz, A., Memon, A.A., Rana, K., Joshi, A., Soomro, S., Kang, J.S., Choi, K.N. 3.745
25 Fuzzy c-means clustering based active contour model driven by edge scaled region information 2019 Expert Systems with Applications Soomro,S/ Munir,A/ Choi,K.N 5.452
26 Hybrid active contours driven by edge and region fitting energies based on p-laplace equation 2019 IEEE Access Munir,A/ Soomro,S/ Shahid,M.T/ Soomro,T.A/ Choi,K.N 3.745
27 An Active Contour Model Based on Region Based Fitting Terms Driven by p-Laplace Length Regularization 2018 IEEE Access Soomro,S., Soomro,T.A., & Choi,K.N 4.098
28 Transportation Object Detection with Bag of Visual Words Model by PLSA and MLP 2018 Mobile Networks and Applicationss Song, H.C., Choi, K.N. 2.390
29 Adaptive active contours based on variable kernel with constant initialisation 2018 IET Image Processing Munir, A.,Soomro, S., Lee, C.H., Choi, K.N. 2.004
30 Hybrid two-stage active contour method with region and edge information for intensity inhomogeneous image segmentation 2018 PLoS ONE Soomro, S., Munir, A., & Choi, K.N. 2.776
31 Visual Distinctiveness Detection of Pedestrian based on Statistically Weighting PLSA for Intelligent Systems 2018 International Journal of Control Automation and System Song,H.C., Lee,G.H., Shim,D.-S., Choi, K.N. 2.181
32 Modifying and evaluating efficacy of interactive computerized program using motion tracking technology to improve unilateral neglect in patients with chronic stroke 2018 Medicine Kang,S.H., Kim, D.K., Seo,K.M., Choi,K.N. 1.870
33 Visual Distinctiveness Detection of Pedestrian based on Statistically Weighting PLSA for Intelligent Systems 2018 International Journal of Control Automation and System Song,H.C., Lee,G.H., Shim,D.-S., Choi, K.N. 2.181
34 Real-Time Head Pose Estimation Framework for Mobile Devices 2017 Mobile Networks and Applications Kim, J., Lee, G.H., Jung, J.J., Choi, K.N. 2.497
35 Segmentation of Left and Right Ventricles in Cardiac MRI Using ActiveContours 2017 Computational and mathematical methods in medicine Soomro,S., Akram, F., Munir, A., Lee, C.H., Choi, K.N. 1.545

"An Image is Worth a Thousand Words"


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Chung-Ang University,
Seoul, South Korea.


knchoi (at)