

Kwang Nam Choi

School of Computer Science and Engineering
Chung-Ang University
221 Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu
Seoul 156-756, Republic of Korea
Email : knchoi (at)

Short bio

KWANG NAM CHOI received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Department of Computer Science, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of York, U.K. He is currently a Professor with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea.

Current Members
   Aditi Laxman Joshi
Ph.D. Candidate

Research Interest : Image Segmentation, Object Detection

   Asim Niaz
Ph.D. Candidate

Internship in INRIA(France) - World 6th rank Research Lab
Internship in ERICSSON(Montreal, Canada)
Research Interest : Medical Image Analysis, Semantic Segmentation, Generative Modeling
   Jin Kim
Ph.D. Student

Research Interest : Automated Machine Learning, AI in Cybersecurity

   Hamza Zia
Masters Student

Research Interest : Anomaly Detection, Image Segmentation, Object Detection

   Jung Sik Choi
Masters Student

Research Interest : Generative Modeling, Real-Time Object Detection

   Ga Won Hwang
Masters Student

Research Interest : Text-to-Image Generation, Object Detection

   Oh Kyung Kwon
Masters Student

Research Interest : Neural Radiance Fields, Object Detection

Alumni in abroad
   Shafiullah Soomro
Graduate : Ph.D.
Current Work : Asst. Prof. QUEST, Pakistan
Research Interest : Motion tracking, object segmentation, and 3-Dimage recognition

   Asad Munir
Graduate : Masters
Current Work : Ph.D. degree. Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy.
Research Interest : object segmentation, object tracking, and person reidentification

   Farhan Akram
Graduate : Masters
Current Work : Department of Pathology and Clinical Bioinformatics, Erasmus Medical Center, The Netherlands
Research Interest : medical image analysis, image processing, computer vision, and deep learning.

   Asif Aziz Memon
Graduate : Ph.D.
Current Work : Asst. Prof, Pakistan
Research Interest : Image Analysis, Object Detection

   Chan Yong Kim
Graduate : Masters
Research Interest : 3D-Object Detection, Object tracking and autonomous driving system

   Hyo Jin Kim
Graduate : Masters
Current Work : NAVER SNOW
Research Interest : Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection, landmark estimation and fashion image analysis

   Doo Hee Lee
Graduate : Masters
Research Interest : Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection, Model optimization

   Usman Asim Siakhu
Graduate : Masters
Research Interest : Medical Image Semantic Segmentation, Deep Learning, Model Optimization

   Gi Soon Cha
Graduate : Masters
Research Interest : Generative Adversarial Networks, Object Detection, Model Optimization

   Sang Hun Han
Graduate : Masters
Research Interest : Deep Learning, Object Detection, Real-Time Object Detection, GAN

   Tae Yang Kim
Graduate : Masters
Research Interest : Deep Learning, Object Detection, Real-Time Object Detection.

   Myung Keun Song
Graduate: Masters

Research Interest : Deep Learning, Object Detection, GAN, Diffusion

"An Image is Worth a Thousand Words"


Room 318, Building 208,
Chung-Ang University,
Seoul, South Korea.


knchoi (at)